S.C. Approval

14th Steering Committee Approval

Steering Committee in the meeting held on 25.05.2021 has approved interest subsidy under NEF for the following Utilities on compliance of eligibility parameters as per the guidelines.
Sl.No. Name of Utility Independent Evaluator Approved Interest Subsidy % Interest Subsidy Amount as approved by Steering Committee in 14th meeting (Rs. In Lakh)
Interest Subsidy: 2015-16
1 CESC- Karnataka ICRA Analytics Ltd. 5% 1450.39
Sub Total (2015-16) 1450.39
Interest Subsidy: 2016-17
2 AVVNL ICRA Analytics Ltd. 5% 1,558.94
4 JDVVNL 5% 3,153.87
5 JVVNL 5% 2,634.19
6 MPPoKVVCL 3% 290.67
7 TSNPDCL 3% 1,512.86
Sub Total (2016-17) 9,150.53
Interest Subsidy: 2017-18
8 AVVNL ICRA Analytics Ltd. 5% 1,348.00
9 CESC 4% 1,568.95
10 HESCOM 3% 1,745.12
11 JVVNL 5% 1,341.35
12 MGVCL 4% 206.13
13 MSEDCL 5% 23,059.34
16 UPCL 0% NIL
Sub Total (2017-18) 29,268.89
17 BESCOM ICRA Analytics Ltd. 0% NIL
18 BEST 5% 1,738.43
19 CESC 0% NIL
20 DHBVNL 5% 418.54
24 MSEDCL 5% 28,350.70
25 MGVCL 5% 243.16
26 UHBVNL 5% 1,383.53
27 UPCL 0% NIL
Sub Total (2018-19) 32,134.36
Total 72,004.17

13th Steering Committee Approval

Steering Committee in the meeting held on 18.11.2020 has approved interest subsidy under NEF for the following Utilities on compliance of eligibility parameters as per the guidelines.
Sl.No. Name of Utility Independent Evaluator Approved Interest Subsidy % Interest Subsidy Amount as approved by Steering Committee in 13th meeting (Rs. In Lakh)
Interest Subsidy: 2015-16
1 HESCOM- Karnataka ICRA Analytics Ltd. 4% 564.83
2 MPMKVVCL- Madhya Pradesh 0% NIL
Sub Total (2015-16) 564.83
Interest Subsidy: 2016-17
3 APEPDCL- Andhra Pradesh ICRA Analytics Ltd. 5% 118.26
4 APSPDCL- Andhra Pradesh 3% 5,489.35
5 BEST- Maharashtra 5% 670.46
6 DHBVNL- Haryana 5% 456.82
7 HESCOM- Karnataka 4% 1,455.43
8 HPSEBL- Himachal Pradesh 0% NIL
9 MESCOM- Karnataka 0% NIL
10 MPMKVVCL- Madhya Pradesh 3% 180.31
11 HESCOM- Karnataka 0% NIL
12 UPCL- Uttarakhand 6% 1,906.63
Sub Total (2016-17) 10,277.26
Interest Subsidy: 2017-18
13 APEPDCL- Andhra Pradesh ICRA Analytics Ltd. 3% 148.96
14 APSPDCL- Andhra Pradesh 3% 4,241.62
15 BESCOM- Karnataka 4% 6,119.65
16 BEST- Maharashtra 5% 1,184.40
17 DHBVNL- Haryana 5% 365.92
18 HPSEBL- Himachal Pradesh 0% NIL
19 MESCOM- Karnataka 4% 101.66
20 MPMKVVCL- Madhya Pradesh 0% NIL
21 PSPCL- Punjab 3% 673.10
22 UHBVNL- Haryana 5% 1,553.68
Sub Total (2017-18) 14,388.99
Total 25,231.08

12th Steering Committee Approval

Steering Committee in the meeting held on 04.02.2020 has approved interest subsidy under NEF for the following Utilities on compliance of eligibility parameters as per the guidelines.
Sl.No. Name of Utility Independent Evaluator Approved Interest Subsidy % Interest Subsidy Amount as approved by Steering Committee in 12th meeting (Rs. In Lakh)
Interest Subsidy: 2015-16
1 AVVNL- Rajasthan ICRA Analytics Ltd. 4% 1,739.69
2 HPSEBL- Himachal Pradesh 7% 1,316.68
3 JVVNL- Rajasthan 3% 1,404.86
4 JdVVNL- Rajasthan 4% 2,946.08
5 MESCOM- Karnataka 4% 6452.19
6 TANGEDCO- Tamil Nadu 5% 2,601.11
7 UPCL- Uttarakhand 7% 2,070.59
Sub Total (2015-16) 12,218.64
Interest Subsidy: 2016-17
8 BESCOM- Karnataka ICRA Analytics Ltd. 0% 0
9 MGVCL- Gujarat 4% 283.07
10 MSEDCL- Maharashtra 3% 9,497.00
11 PSPCL- Punjab 4% 1,067.10
12 UHBVNL- Haryana 4% 1,196.67
Sub Total (2016-17) 12,043.84
Total 24,262.48

Eleventh Steering Committee Approval

Steering Committee in the meeting held on 30.04.2019 has approved interest subsidy under NEF for the following Utilities on compliance of eligibility parameters as per the guidelines.
Sl.No. Name of Utility Independent Evaluator Approved Interest Subsidy % Interest Subsidy Amount as approved by Steering Committee in 11th meeting (Rs. In Lakh)
Interest Subsidy: 2015-16
1 APSPDCL- Andhra Pradesh iMaCS 0% 0
2 CSPDCL- Chhattisgarh 3% 259.86
3 DHBVNL- Haryana 3% 234.71
4 MPPoKVVCL- Madhya Pradesh 0% 0
5 MSEDCL- Maharashtra 4% 6452.19
6 TSNPDCL- Telangana 3% 646.79
7 TSSPDCL- Telangana 0% 0
8 UHBVNL- Haryana 3% 845.1
9 WBSEDCL- West Bengal 4% 2202.71
  Sub Total (2015-16)     10641.36
Interest Subsidy: 2014-15
10 TSSPDCL- Telangana iMaCS 4% 759.31
  Sub Total (2014-15)     759.31
  Total     11400.67

10th Steering Committee Approval

Steering Committee in the meeting held on 05.10.2018 has approved interest subsidy under NEF for the following Utilities on compliance of eligibility parameters as per the guidelines.
SL NO Name of Utility Independent Evaluator Approved Interest Subsidy % Interest Subsidy Amount as approved by Steering Committee in 10th meeting (Rs. In Lakh)
Interest Subsidy: 2013-14
1 HESCOM- Karnataka ICRA 4% 53.62
SUB-TOTAL(2013-14) 53.62
Interest Subsidy for : FY 2014-15
2 APEPDCL- Andhra Pradesh ICRA 0% NIL
3 CSPDCL- Chhattisgarh 0% NIL
4 HPSEBL- Himachal Pradesh 0% NIL
5 HESCOM-Karnataka 3% 207.27
6 MPMKVVCL-Madhya Pradesh 0% NIL
7 MSEDCL-Maharashtra 4% 2,935.45
8 AVVNL- Rajasthan 3% 516.53
9 JDVVNL- Rajasthan 3% 1,371.93
10 TANGEDCO- Tamil Nadu 0% NIL
SUB-TOTAL(2014-15) 5,031.18
Interest Subsidy for : FY 2015-16
11 APEPDCL- Andhra Pradesh ICRA 5% 111.80
12 MGVCL- Gujarat 4% 317.70
13 BESCOM- Karnataka 4% 3,081.81
14 BEST- Maharashtra 5% 420.10
15 PSPCL- Punjab 0% NIL
SUB-TOTAL(2015-16) 3,931.41
TOTAL 9,016.21

9th Steering Committee Approval

Steering Committee in the meeting held on 13.02.2018 has approved interest subsidy under NEF for the following Utilities on compliance of eligibility parameters as per the guidelines.
SL NO Name of Utility Approved Interest Subsidy % Interest Subsidy Amount as approved by Steering Committee in 9th meeting (Rs. In Lakh)
Interest Subsidy: 2013-14
1 APEPDCL- Andhra Pradesh 5% 2.49
2 HPSEBL- Himachal Pradesh 0%
SUB-TOTAL(2013-14) 2.49
Interest Subsidy for : FY 2014-15
3 APEPDCL- Andhra Pradesh 0% NIL
4 MESCOM- Karnataka 4% 111.38
5 CESC- Karnataka 4% 638.10
6 AVVNL- Rajasthan 3% 107.27
7 JVVNL- Rajasthan 3% 1,010.83
8 PSPCL- Punjab 0% NIL
9 TSSPDCL- Telangana 4% 687.08
10 UHBVNL- Haryana 0% NIL
SUB-TOTAL(2014-15) 2,554.67
TOTAL 2,557.15

8th Steering Committee Approval

Steering Committee in the meeting held on 31.01.2017 has approved interest subsidy under NEF for the following Utilities on compliance of eligibility parameters as per the guidelines.
SL NO Name of Utility Approved Interest Subsidy % Interest Subsidy Amount as approved by Steering Committee in 8th meeting (Rs. In Lakh)
Interest Subsidy: 2013-14
1 CESC- Karnataka 5% 94.98
2 MESCOM- Karnataka 4% 16.27
3 MSEDCL- Maharashtra 0% NIL
4 PSPCL- Punjab 4% 997.84
SUB-TOTAL(2013-14) 209.09
Interest Subsidy for : FY 2014-15
5 BESCOM- Karnataka 5% 2,187.24
6 DHBVNL- Haryana 5% 332.05
7 MGVCL- Gujarat 4% 50.16
8 MPPoKVVCL- Madhya Pradesh 3% 164.95
9 UPCL- Uttarakhand 0% NIL
10 WBSEDCL- West Bengal 4% 1,298.20
SUB-TOTAL(2014-15) 4,032.60
TOTAL 4,241.69

7th Steering Committee Approval

Steering Committee in the meeting held on 01.02.2016 has approved interest subsidy under NEF for the following Utilities on compliance of eligibility parameters as per the guidelines.
SL NO Name of Utility Approved Interest Subsidy % Interest Subsidy Amount as approved by Steering Committee in 7th meeting (Rs. In Lakh)
Interest Subsidy: 2012-13
SUB-TOTAL(2012-13) NIL
Interest Subsidy for : FY 2013-14
2 APSPDCL 3% 843.49
3 TSSPDCL 3% 97.90
SUB-TOTAL(2013-14) 941.39
TOTAL 941.39

Sixth Steering Committee Approval

Steering Committee in the meeting held on 31.03.2015 has approved interest subsidy under NEF for the following discoms on compliance of eligibility parameters as per the guidelines.
Amount(Rs. in lakh)
Interest Subsidy for : FY 2012-13 Name of Independent Evaluator Interest Subsidy Amount as approved by Steering Committee in 6th Meeting Amount Disbursed under FY 2014-15 budget Balance disbursed under FY 2015-16 budget
UPCL(Uttarakhand) ICRA(iMacs) 3.82 3.82
MPMKVVCL(Madhya Pradesh) E&Y 3.33 3.33
UHBVNL(Haryana) Deloitte 0.32 0.32
SUB-TOTAL 7.47 7.47 0
Interest Subsidy for : FY 2013-14
MPPoKVVCL(Madhya Pradesh) E&Y 74.82 18.49 56.33
JdVVNL(Rajasthan) E&Y 227.18 16.39 210.79
UPCL(Uttarakhand) ICRA(iMacs) 263.26 30.81 232.45
UHBVNL(Haryana) Deloitte 178.59 26.84 151.75
SUB-TOTAL 743.85 92.53 651.32
GRAND TOTAL 751.32 100 651.32

Empanelment of Independent Evaluator

M/s ICRA Management Consulting Services Ltd (iMaCS), M/s PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt Ltd (PWC) , M/s Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Private Limited & M/s Ernst & Young Private Limited (E&Y) have been empanelled as Independent Evaluator for NEF proposal.

Third Steering Committee Approval

Steering Committee has approved proposals worth Rs. 10865.17 cr. of Project loan from 8 states (11 discoms) during its meeting held on 19.02.2013 for coverage under NEF during FY 2012-13. Approval of Steering Committee has been communicated to utilities by REC.
SlNo. Name of Utility Loan Amount Considered for Coverage Under NEF
Rs.(in Cr.)
1   MSEDCL 5657.13
2   APNPDCL 1646.60
3   APSPDCL 1151.46
4   APEPDCL 143.57
5   HPSEBL 314.75
6    MPMKVVCL 203.56
7   MPPoKVVCL 196.53
8    UPCL 125.99
9   UHBVNL 62.05
10   WBSEDCL 1124.43
11   CSPDCL 239.10

Fourth Steering Committee Approval

Steering Committee has approved proposals worth Rs-6015.56 cr. of Project loan from 10 States (17 Discoms) during its meeting held on 07.08.2013 for coverage under NEF during FY-2013-14. Approval of Steering Committee has been communicated to utilities by REC.
SlNo. Name of Utility Loan Amount Considered for Coverage Under NEF
Rs.(in Cr.)
1   UHBVNL 587.30
2   DHBVNL 414.12
3   TANGEDCO 539.08
4   APCPDCL 445.88
5   APNPDCL 144.88
6   APSPDCL 285.23
7   WBSEDCL 757.38
8   AVVNL 275.20
9   JDVVNL 388.71
10   JVVNL 242.91
11   MESCOM 89.66
12   CESC 127.04
13   HESCOM 293.71
14   UPCL 245.62
15   TPDDCL 60.00
16   MGVCL 83.00
17    PSPCL 1035.84

Fifth Steering Committee Approval

Steering Committee has approved proposals worth Rs-9649.24 cr. of Project loan from 8 States (15 Discoms) during its meeting held on 12.02.2014 for coverage under NEF during FY-2013-14. Approval of Steering Committee has been communicated to utilities by REC. With this approval, the provision of Rs. 25000 cr. project loan coverage under NEF has been exhausted.
SlNo. Name of Utility Loan Amount Considered for Coverage Under NEF
Rs.(in Cr.)
1    BESCOM 2564.08
2   CESC 324.67
3   HESCOM 620.58
4   JVVNL 410.06
5   JdVVNL 534.33
6   AVVNL 303.15
7   APCPDCL 453.43
8   APNPDCL 563.41
9   APSPDCL 463.01
10   MSEDCL 1877.83
11   BEST 405.19
12   HPSEBL 95.87
13   TANGEDCO 801.19
14   UHBVNL 65.18
15   CSPDCL 167.26
News & Notice

Steering Committee in the 14th meeting held on 25.05.2021 has approved interest subsidy of Rs.72,004.17 lakh under NEF
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Steering Committee in the 13th meeting held on 18.11.2020 has approved interest subsidy of Rs.25,231.08 lakh under NEF
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Steering Committee in the 12th meeting held on 04.02.2020 has approved interest subsidy of Rs. 24,262.48 lakh under NEF
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Steering Committee in the 10th meeting held on 05.10.2018 has approved interest subsidy of Rs. 9016.21 lakh under NEF
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Steering Committee in the 9th meeting held on 13.02.2018 has approved interest subsidy of Rs. 2557.16 lakh under NEF
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Steering Committee in the 8th meeting held on 31.01.2017 has approved interest subsidy of Rs. 4241.69 lakh under NEF
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Steering Committee in the 7th meeting held on 01.02.2016 has approved interest subsidy of Rs. 941.37 lakh under NEF
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Steering Committee in the 6th meeting held on 31.03.2015 has approved interest subsidy of Rs. 751.32 lakh under NEF
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Second workshop at Guwahati on operational guideline of National Electricity Fund Interest Subsidy Scheme was held on 25 July 2013, for all the Discom/Power department of North Eastern State (including Sikkim).
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Sensitization workshop was conducted in Chennai, Kolkata, Patna and Trivandrumfor their respective discomson Operational Guidelines
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Steering Committee has sanctioned proposals worth Rs. 10953.80 cr of capital loan from 8 states (11 discoms) during its meeting held on
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REC conducted Workshop in J&K for Power Department of the state on Operational Guidelines of National Electricity Fund-Interest Subsidy scheme on 22nd September, 2012.
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Sensitization workshop was conducted in Bhubaneswar on 24th September 2012 for Odisha Discoms on Operational Guidelines of National Electricity Fund- Interest Subsidy scheme.
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Workshop in Guwahati on Operational Guidelines of National Electricity Fund-Interest Subsidy scheme was held on 26th September,2012 for all North Eastern states including Sikkim.
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REC conducted a Presentation in Haryana for both the Discoms of the state on Operational Guidelines of National Electricity Fund-Interest Subsidy scheme on 1st October, 2012.
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Sensitization workshop was conducted in Shimla on 3rd October, 2012 for Himachal Pradesh Discom on Operational Guidelines of National Electricity Fund- Interest Subsidy scheme.
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Workshop at Bhopal on Operational Guidelines of National Electricity Fund-Interest Subsidy scheme was held on 5th October, 2012 for all the discoms of Madhya Pradesh.
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REC conducted Workshop in Gujarat for all the Discoms of the state on Operational Guidelines of National Electricity Fund-Interest Subsidy scheme on 12th October, 2012.
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